Kasra license plate reader software; Intelligent license plate reader system

همه چیز در مورد سیستم پلاک خوان هوشمند کسرا

این سامانه دارای قابلیت‌ها و امکانات بسیاری است که تماما طی تحقیق و نیازسنجی استخراج و امکان آن‌ها در سیستم ایجاد شده است. سیستم پلاک خوان پایا یکی از بهترین گزینه‌های پلاک‌ خوان برای سازمان‌هاست که نه تنها تمامی نیازهای موجود را پوشش می‌دهد، بلکه امکانات بسیار دیگری هم ارائه می‌کند که همگی در راستای انجام بهینه امور اتوماسیون حضور و غیاب، کنترل تردد و سیستم حراست تولید شده‌است.

Organizations and businesses that intend to have comprehensive control over traffic, in addition to using technologies related to online attendance software, also need various hardware, including license plate reader systems, attendance devices, and various types of roadblocks. have The license plate reader software is one of the most useful surveillance equipment as an intelligent system for controlling the traffic of all kinds of vehicles. With the help of a license plate reader, you can easily see the license plates of passing cars in any environment and assign the car according to the needs and regulations of the organization.

What is the smart license plate reader system and how does it work?

Smart license plate reader software is a smart system consisting of hardware and software that is used for accurate reading of car license plates. The smart license plate reader system uses artificial intelligence algorithms to accurately recognize and read license plates. The hardware part of the smart license plate reader is made of several parts including camera, projector processor, etc. Also, the software part of this system has various capabilities depending on the type of license plate reader and its design. Online license plate reader hardware and software are introduced below.

Smart license plate reader software

The license plate reader software processes the images recorded by the license plate reader camera or cameras to obtain an image with maximum resolution. Then this image is interpreted with the help of OCR and the characters of the image, which include the letters and numbers of the license plate, are extracted from the image. These data are stored in color in the memory of the license plate reader software. In the next step, the license plate reader software, based on the defined instructions, checks and carries out things such as the complete information of the license plate owner, whether or not the vehicle is allowed to enter, issuing various types of permits, calculating the parking fee, reporting the records and classifying the vehicle.

Each license plate reader software has different capabilities and applications depending on its design and technical features. Some software interpret only the images received from the camera, but others show information such as the full specifications of the vehicle and its owner, the records of the license plate passing through various traffic control gates, the legal history of the license plate, etc. Based on the type of application, this software can issue all kinds of licenses and reports and send information to other members of the information network.

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How Kesra’s smart license plate reader system works

There are different types of online license plate reader systems and based on their application, they have different abilities to read and analyze the data obtained from the license plate image. The license plate reader camera records images of car license plates, because the license plate image cannot be understood by a computer, the license plate reader software analyzes these images using optical character reader technology, and the found license plate is stored in a database. Saves data. The use of this system provides the possibility of accurate and quick viewing of license plates for law enforcement, parking fee calculation, identity summons, etc.Although all license plate readers have different functions depending on their type and place of use, they generally go through four stages to read and process license plates, these four stages are:

Step 1: In this step, the CCTV camera of the license plate reader takes pictures of the license plates of passing cars.

Step 2: the photo that the camera takes of the license plate may not be readable depending on the angle of view of the camera and the distance between the camera and the license plate. At this stage, the software processes this photo and provides a photo with maximum clarity and transparency of the license plate.

Step 3: the image obtained from the license plate is not understandable for the software, in this step the software uses the optical character reader (OCR) to extract the license plate from the image.

Step 4: The license plate is stored in the database and processed for specific purposes. Depending on the location and the type of application of the intelligent license plate reader system, it can be used for traffic control in large organizations, traffic control and identification of traffic violators, automatic toll control, parking fee calculation, traffic control at gates, etc.

معرفی سیستم پلاک خوان هوشمند

How does the smart license plate reader software work?

To read the license plate from the video image, the following steps are performed:

  • Search for moving object in the image
  • Searching for parallelograms in the range of moving objects with limited proportions as license plate candidates
  • The reason for choosing parallelograms is the ability to read license plates in cars at an angle to the camera
  • Sending parallelograms to OCR
  • Reading the character and putting together the output along with the reading score
  • Choose the best reading based on its rating, number of characters, etc
  • Record the reading score, read value, time, momentary image of traffic and license plate coordinates in the data bank image

Readability score means how confident the system is in its performance of character extraction. This score is recorded in the comprehensive traffic control system and can be a guide for the reviewing force if a human review is required with relatively good accuracy. The reading score is displayed in color in the user, management, online viewing and reporting pages with green, blue, yellow, orange and red colors, which are in order of highest quality to the lowest.

Special features of Kesra smart license plate reader system

A large number of license plate reader software have been designed by different companies, each of which has various features and capabilities. Any business or organization can choose the best available option according to their needs and goals by checking the details and how these softwares work. Paya’s intelligent license plate reader system is one of the most comprehensive online license plate reader systems, which, with its diverse capabilities, high accuracy and speed of operation, easy application and installation, can be one of the best options for installation. Some of the unique features and capabilities of this smart license plate reader are:


قابلیت‌های ویژه سیستم پلاک‌ خوان پایا
سیستم پلاک خوان پایا

Organizations and businesses that intend to have comprehensive control over traffic, in addition to using technologies related to online attendance software, also need various hardware, including license plate reader systems, attendance devices, and various types of roadblocks. have The license plate reader software is one of the most useful surveillance equipment as an intelligent system for controlling the traffic of all kinds of vehicles. With the help of a license plate reader, you can easily see the license plates of passing cars in any environment and assign the car according to the needs and regulations of the organization.

What is the smart license plate reader system and how does it work?

Smart license plate reader software is a smart system consisting of hardware and software that is used for accurate reading of car license plates. The smart license plate reader system uses artificial intelligence algorithms to accurately recognize and read license plates. The hardware part of the smart license plate reader is made of several parts including camera, projector processor, etc. Also, the software part of this system has various capabilities depending on the type of license plate reader and its design. Online license plate reader hardware and software are introduced below.

Smart license plate reader software

The license plate reader software processes the images recorded by the license plate reader camera or cameras to obtain an image with maximum resolution. Then this image is interpreted with the help of OCR and the characters of the image, which include the letters and numbers of the license plate, are extracted from the image. These data are stored in color in the memory of the license plate reader software. In the next step, the license plate reader software, based on the defined instructions, checks and carries out things such as the complete information of the license plate owner, whether or not the vehicle is allowed to enter, issuing various types of permits, calculating the parking fee, reporting the records and classifying the vehicle.

Each license plate reader software has different capabilities and applications depending on its design and technical features. Some software interpret only the images received from the camera, but others show information such as the full specifications of the vehicle and its owner, the records of the license plate passing through various traffic control gates, the legal history of the license plate, etc. Based on the type of application, this software can issue all kinds of licenses and reports and send information to other members of the information network.

We at Kasra are ready to give you support

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How Kesra’s smart license plate reader system works

There are different types of online license plate reader systems and based on their application, they have different abilities to read and analyze the data obtained from the license plate image. The license plate reader camera records images of car license plates, because the license plate image cannot be understood by a computer, the license plate reader software analyzes these images using optical character reader technology, and the found license plate is stored in a database. Saves data. The use of this system provides the possibility of accurate and quick viewing of license plates for law enforcement, parking fee calculation, identity summons, etc.Although all license plate readers have different functions depending on their type and place of use, they generally go through four stages to read and process license plates, these four stages are:

Step 1: In this step, the CCTV camera of the license plate reader takes pictures of the license plates of passing cars.

Step 2: the photo that the camera takes of the license plate may not be readable depending on the angle of view of the camera and the distance between the camera and the license plate. At this stage, the software processes this photo and provides a photo with maximum clarity and transparency of the license plate.

Step 3: the image obtained from the license plate is not understandable for the software, in this step the software uses the optical character reader (OCR) to extract the license plate from the image.

Step 4: The license plate is stored in the database and processed for specific purposes. Depending on the location and the type of application of the intelligent license plate reader system, it can be used for traffic control in large organizations, traffic control and identification of traffic violators, automatic toll control, parking fee calculation, traffic control at gates, etc.

معرفی سیستم پلاک خوان هوشمند

How does the smart license plate reader software work?

To read the license plate from the video image, the following steps are performed:

  • Search for moving object in the image
  • Searching for parallelograms in the range of moving objects with limited proportions as license plate candidates
  • The reason for choosing parallelograms is the ability to read license plates in cars at an angle to the camera
  • Sending parallelograms to OCR
  • Reading the character and putting together the output along with the reading score
  • Choose the best reading based on its rating, number of characters, etc
  • Record the reading score, read value, time, momentary image of traffic and license plate coordinates in the data bank image

Readability score means how confident the system is in its performance of character extraction. This score is recorded in the comprehensive traffic control system and can be a guide for the reviewing force if a human review is required with relatively good accuracy. The reading score is displayed in color in the user, management, online viewing and reporting pages with green, blue, yellow, orange and red colors, which are in order of highest quality to the lowest.

Special features of Kesra smart license plate reader system

A large number of license plate reader software have been designed by different companies, each of which has various features and capabilities. Any business or organization can choose the best available option according to their needs and goals by checking the details and how these softwares work. Paya’s intelligent license plate reader system is one of the most comprehensive online license plate reader systems, which, with its diverse capabilities, high accuracy and speed of operation, easy application and installation, can be one of the best options for installation. Some of the unique features and capabilities of this smart license plate reader are:


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