Kasra web food automation software
Kasra food system
Kasra food system (Kasra food automation system) is considered as a set of systems in the field of organizational services, whose task is to provide an efficient and effective mechanism in the process of online and offline food distribution. Considering the sensitivities of different organizations regarding the quality of food provided to personnel and management practices in the matter of food distribution; Also, in order to save the amount of food consumed and prevent its wastage, the feeding automation system is considered one of the most important systems of organizations. The variety of people using food and feed, the rules and regulations according to the needs of each organization, along with the application of new capabilities in Kasra food automation software, has placed this food reservation system in the ranks of one of the most important and wide-ranging production products of this company. In addition, the close relationship between food distribution and people's work shifts in the attendance system has caused many companies and organizations to have an increasing desire to use these two Kasra products for the sake of integration and added value.
Features of Kasra food system
The possibility of online centralized monitoring of food precursors
Optimizing cooking, reservation and food distribution routines in the organization
Creating a detailed mechanism for money circulation operations
Reduction of manpower responsible for food distribution
The possibility of surveying food services
Applying user access based on restaurants in system manager pages and all reports
Reducing organizational surplus cooking by using food system statistics
Having an online and web-based user and management panel
Access to food information at any moment and at any time
Integrated with other human resources software of the organization
Added reserved page to manage reserved dishes
Eliminate queues for cash payments, reservations and food delivery in food management software
Creating different levels of user access in web food software
The high level of security of Kasra web food management software
Reservation of personnel food online in Kasra food management software
Internet payment log report
Reporting in different formats of personnel performance
Personnel monitoring in the process of booking, cooking and food distribution
The ability to define a variety of foods and desserts with different prices
Ability to monitor all halls and salons
Internet payment discrepancies observation report
Defining different contractors for each restaurant and restaurant
Monitoring the display of people's information while serving food
Define credit account with negative credit, positive credit or both
The possibility of defining guest and temporary food
Convert reserved dishes to serving via page
Definition of personal, organizational, monthly food reservation calendar
Definition of diet food, subsidized food, dessert, fruit ...
Survey program to test the quality of food ...
Eliminate cash handling processes
Monitoring of food serving with the settings required by the user
Having a group food reservation page
Unification of food reservation pages for personnel, guests and miscellaneous cards
Optimizing all financial processes and reports
Creating an automatic routine for preparing, cooking and distributing food in an organization or university
Download Kasra food application
With the expansion of the use of smart mobile phones and the increase of network coverage in remote areas that previously lacked mobile phone infrastructure, many software have started providing mobile phone versions for the convenience of users and their constant access; And in this regard, Kasra company has provided the mobile phone version of nutrition automation, namely nutrition application (Kasra food) for public use.
What are the features of the best nutrition software?
One of the most important issues in different places and centers is to create discipline and traffic control. The purpose of traffic control is to manage the entry and exit of people and check the access level of people and personnel in different departments. This issue is very important in large places and environments that have a large number of personnel and employees. It is obvious that organizations and large companies that have long and many working hours, it is necessary to provide a system to feed them. For this reason, it is necessary to use the best nutrition software to control and manage food reservations in this field. For this reason, it is recommended to use Kesra nutrition software, which has its own special and unique features.
Stay with us in this article to get to know the features of the best nutrition software. In general, it can be said that a good software has the following features:
It has easily provided the procedure of booking and paying for food for all users (employees, students, and personnel of offices and hospitals, etc.).
It has a great impact on improving and increasing the efficiency of self-services in various administrative and educational organizations.
There is no need for unnecessary referrals in person.
No need to cook extra food. Because according to the request and reservation of users of the self-service and cooking section, accurate statistics will be available.
Unnecessary and long queues at different hours of the day and night are avoided.
What is food automation? Introducing the features and features of the best food software
One of the most important developments that has occurred in human life today is that it has provided the ability to control and manage different departments in offices and businesses for different users and employees. This issue also applies to large companies and organizations, and employees and human forces can perform their duties in the best way by using online software. This feature is also provided for different employees and personnel in different departments and organizations using Taghdia software. So that they can reserve food at different hours of the day and night with the food reservation software and even pay for it. But the important point in this context is that you should check what features the web feed software has? For this purpose, in the rest of this article, we will examine the features and capabilities of a nutrition software. Among the most important features of the best nutrition software, the following can be mentioned:
Centralized monitoring and management of remote dining predecessors
As mentioned in the above paragraph, one of the common problems that exists today in office environments, universities, and even dormitories, etc., is not paying attention to the management of the nutrition system and serving food at different times. For this reason, it is necessary to provide online food reservation software, and even pay for it, using a software. Using these software, you can remotely manage and monitor the food distribution department and its reservation. This software can be integrated with attendance software to deliver food only to those employees who are present in the canteen.
Optimal use of human resources
In dining selfies, it is obvious that food power is used for online and offline food distribution in a faster and better way. For this reason, these people may face various problems during their working hours, including excessive fatigue, lack of concentration to go through long waiting lines, etc. For this reason, using the best nutrition software can help improve the process of this work and the optimal use of human resources.
The possibility of defining users of the feeding automation system
One of the most important features that you should pay attention to when choosing a feeding automation software is that the software should provide the possibility of defining an unlimited number of users and personnel for different centers. In such a way, you can define different features and facilities for each employee in the system for easier access of personnel and users.
The possibility of pricing food with the best nutrition software
It is obvious that at different hours of the day, and different working days, and especially different meals, the price of food will be different. For this reason, by using the nutrition software, it is possible to determine the price for different foods and insert it in the software.
Ability to define access for operators
One of the important features of the best nutrition software is that you can define access levels for different operators who have access to the software. With this, you can check the necessary security in the software by determining the access level and specify it for each operator.
The ability to define different meals
In order for users and personnel to be able to easily reserve and pay for different meals using software and nutrition automation, meals should be defined for them. In this way, meals can be divided into several different categories of appetizer, main course and dessert.
Ability to report with the best nutrition software
One of the important capabilities and features of nutrition software is that users and operators can report using the reporting system. With this, the operator and human resources of the food distribution department can better control and manage the packages received by users.
What are the goals of Kasra food automation system?
As it was mentioned at the beginning of the article, nowadays, due to the fact that the access and use of different softwares are provided, different organizations and departments can handle their administrative affairs with a better speed and process. For this purpose, Kasra company has produced flexible and high-quality software to improve the process of the system and automation of the feeding of various departments and organizations. For example, imagine that you are studying at a university where several days a week you need to prepare food and wait in Salaf. It is obvious that by going to the college hall and cafeteria in person, you will be delayed for a long time and you will miss your rest time and even your class. In addition, this issue will cause excessive fatigue of human resources and personnel in the food distribution department. One of the other common problems in this field is that a token must be printed for each student and even employees in the face-to-face visit, which entails a lot of cost. Therefore, it can be said that the most important goals of Kasra food automation system are as follows:
Eliminate problems caused by using cash
To pay and order food at any place, it is necessary for a person to pay a fee for each delivery of food. Therefore, it is obvious that a person will be present to hand over the cost of the food and count and return the rest of the money. In addition to taking a lot of time, this work wastes the time of each person who comes to eat or receive food in person. In addition, as you know, money is contaminated several times a day and its use is not common in dining environments. Therefore, such problems can be avoided with the online feeding automation system.
Avoid cooking excess food and high costs with the best nutrition software
Obviously, people have different tastes and opinions for buying and preparing food. For this reason, several types of food are prepared during the day and even at different meals, each of which involves different and high costs. Therefore, if a large amount of food is prepared and cooked every day to attract people's opinions and tastes, it brings a lot of cost. But when the nutrition software is used, the people working in the food preparation and cooking department are familiar with the tastes and needs of the people who come to buy and reserve food. They also know how much food is booked online day or night. For this reason, there is no need to cook a lot of food. For this reason, it can be said that the use of nutrition software has a great impact on reducing excess and excess costs.
Avoid wasting time and creating long queues
One of the common problems in cafeterias and food halls in various offices and organizations, especially in educational centers such as universities and dormitories, is that people spend many hours in the hall. But if they have already prepared a food token to reserve and prepare food, their approximate attendance hours are determined and there is no need to come earlier.
Improve the online food booking process with the best nutrition software
One of the best advantages of using and running nutrition software is that it can provide online food reservations for staff and all users with a better process. In this way, you can see the list of dishes that are offered in that meal and reserve it if you are interested. By doing this, it is enough to show up at the place in the approximate time estimated by the automation of the feeding system. You will no longer wait at the place to receive food or pay for it.
Summary of the introduction of the best network feeding software
Today, with the use of online software that is used in organizations, institutions and different places, the process of providing many services has become possible easily. One of the best software available, designed and provided by Kasri company, is nutrition software. This software, with its unique features and benefits, can be used for better control and management of nutrition in various organizations and centers. In this article, the full introduction of the benefits and features of this software was discussed. By reading this article, you can get to know the features and features of the best nutrition software in the best way and prepare the desired software.