نرم افزار حضور و غیاب کسرا سیستم جامع حضور و غیاب

Kasra online attendance software; Personnel attendance system

Kasra online attendance software

Kasra attendance software is able to provide you with unique facilities related to defining types of shifts, work schedules, vacations, missions, functions and everything you need for the attendance and absence of your personnel. With Kasra's attendance management software, you will be able to control attendance and absence of personnel in an integrated manner with other human resources systems of your organization.

نرم افزار حضور غیاب

All kinds of equipment related to Kasra's attendance and absence system

"" indicates required fields

Features of Kasra personnel attendance software

Personnel traffic monitoring

Real-time observation and monitoring of personnel movement

The possibility of displaying traffic according to card readers

Displaying personnel information of employees

Information folder management

Defining users individually and in groups

Defining different user access levels

Show employment history and work history

Personnel work calendar

Definition of hourly, daily and monthly shifts

Calculation of work deduction, work surplus according to work calendar

Show the monthly shift at once

Definition of tolerance types

Define the tolerance of the entry of employees

Definition of the tolerance of personnel departure

Define employee floating tolerance

Different attendance structures

Creating a structure for day work, evening work or night work

12-hour and 24-hour working time structure

Creating the structure of different shift groups

Manage all types of licenses

Create individual and group permissions

Create a license with historical restrictions

Flexible license circulation structure

Manage all types of licenses

Dynamic rule generation engine

Active workflow engine

Advanced reporting engine

Missions and Vacations

Mission management from start to finish

Management of all kinds of holidays

Ability to report leave balance

Advantages of Kasra smart attendance system for your organization

مانیتورینگ تردد پرسنل به تفکیک دستگاههای ثبت تردد با سامانه حضور غیاب کسرا

Personnel traffic monitoring by traffic registration devices

One of the most important features of Kasra's online presence and absence software and its other softwares is the ability to monitor the traffic of personnel according to the traffic recording devices used in the organization. This feature allows all the managers of the organizations to get accurate statistics and information about the traffic and traffic registration of personnel in different time frames and in a completely separate way by using attendance and absence devices and traffic registration or traffic control. made available to managers and for this reason it can be used as a strong information dashboard for them.

ارائه سخت‌افزارهای قدرتمند؛ مناسب برای ثبت تردد در محیط‌های صنعتی با نرم افزار تردد کسرا

providing powerful hardware; Suitable for recording traffic in industrial environments

Traffic control and access control tools, such as traffic control hardware, along with all kinds of smart attendance systems, is one of the most important tools for managing the movement of personnel in factories like Iran Khodro. has scored Based on this, the ability to provide powerful, resistant and efficient hardware; Suitable for recording traffic in industrial environments, it will be considered one of the most essential needs of any collection. These hardwares need a powerful traffic system, such as Kasra's free online attendance software, which can handle this task well.

سرعت بالاي پردازش اطلاعات برای شركت‌هاي دارای نيروی انسانی زياد با سامانه تردد کسرا

High speed of information processing for companies with a lot of human resources

Organizations and large companies that have many personnel always have problems in calculating and processing the attendance and absence information of their personnel. One of the unique capabilities of Kasra attendance system is the ability to process information at a high speed for companies with a large number of human resources, and this possibility can play a large role in increasing the efficiency of personnel and helping managers of organizations. Kasra Iran Khodro's attendance and absence system is also a system that can manage such a process well.

دریافت انواع گزارشات ورود و خروج پرسنل از دستگاه با سیستم تردد کسرا

Receive all types of reports of personnel entering and leaving the device

Registering attendance and absence data and information in the Kasra traffic and access control system makes it possible to provide detailed reports of the entry and exit and movement of personnel in different formats and as an attendance and absence list to the managers of the organizations to use this The data can manage the presence and absence of their personnel. Having this feature, especially in Mehen's absence attendance system, has made the work of managers of Mehen, Panda, etc. group companies easier.

پشتيباني 24 ساعته براي عدم وقفه در فعاليت سازمان با سیستم حضور و غیاب کسرا

24-hour support for uninterrupted operation of the organization

The support unit of Kasra Engineering Company is ready to provide service to all large customers of Kasra throughout the country in order to provide 24-hour support to Kasra customers. The 24-hour support capability for non-interruption in the activities of organizations regarding traffic software is one of the most important advantages that Kasra company provides to its customers, and for this reason, it is considered an important capability that by using this capability, you can Be in touch with Kesra experts at any time and anywhere and solve possible problems.

ارائه داشبوردهای مدیریتی اطلاعات پرسنلی و حضور و غیاب پرسنل با سامانه تردد کسرا

Providing management dashboards for personnel information and personnel traffic

Providing management dashboards of personnel information and personnel entry and exit is one of the most important tools that can be used as a strong executive arm to manage the movement of personnel in organizations in relation to Kasra's online attendance program. Management dashboards of personnel information are completely separated and can provide managers with useful information about the work performance of personnel in a group and individual form, and can also be used in making decisions about payment and calculation of personnel salaries.

ثبت تردد فراموشی با نرم افزار حضور و غیاب اندروید یا نسخه تحت وب

Registration of forgotten traffic with the attendance and absence software for Android or the web version

Some personnel may have forgotten to register their attendance using the best time attendance device. They can register these data manually and with the permission of their manager in Kasra web attendance software. In addition, the Kasra Avid android attendance program of Kasra company provides this possibility to its users so that they can register their traffic as forgotten traffic with the permission of their managers.

قابلیت ارسال پیام به پرسنل سازمان ها با سیستم حضور غیاب کسرا

The ability to send messages to the personnel of organizations

With Kasra's absenteeism attendance system, you will be able to send messages to the personnel of your collection in different ways, including personally and as a group, and inform them of the latest news of your organization. (Hermes message and notification management system)

مدیریت یکپارچه دستگاه های حضور و غیاب فعلی سازمان با سیستم مدیریت دستگاه های تردد کسرا

Integrated management of the organization's current traffic control management devices

Kasra's Biovision software, which is considered one of the most important attendance and attendance systems of Kasra, is able to record traffic information and the entry and exit of personnel through the organization's current clocking devices, based on its advanced mechanism, from any brandy and drain it by all means. In addition to this, Kasra's attendance program can process this information well in its own system and provide the necessary outputs to the managers of the organizations.

افزایش امنیت اطلاعات سازمانی با نرم افزار حضور غیاب کسرا

Increasing the security of organizational information in employee attendance management software

Kasra's traffic control software has the latest and most up-to-date security certificates in the field of data security and can record all employee attendance and absence data using all types of attendance and absence devices such as Suprema, Virdi, ZK, etc. Monitor without entering the privacy of people. Due to these features, this system has been used as the attendance and absence system of the tobacco department used in Iran Tobacco Company.

پوشش انواع شیفت های کاری و تعریف انواع گروه های کاری پرسنلی

Covering all types of work shifts and defining all types of personnel work groups

The attendance and absence software of the personnel, if it is important in the attendance and absence system of Kasra Iron Smelter and the Kasra traffic system of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences and the attendance and absence of Shahid Beheshti Medical Sciences, it should be able to define all the various shifts of the organizations and finally to Assign the personnel yourself. Therefore, by defining the types of personnel work groups in Kasra's online time and attendance system, this possibility is completely taken into account, and for this reason, all the needs of organizations in these cases can be met.

قابلیت ثبت انواع مأموریت ها و انواع مرخصی ها در نرم افزار حضور غیاب کسرا

Registering assignments and types of leave in the best personnel attendance software

Personnel sometimes go on a mission or vacation to perform their duties in organizations and follow up on their work issues, and these cases have different modes. including internal mission, foreign mission, etc., as well as various leave such as hourly leave, daily leave, monthly leave, annual leave, maternity leave, etc. Kasra's intelligent traffic control system can do all these things; And also to implement specific items required by companies and organizations in Kasra software.

استفاده از وب کیوسک برای گسترش کاربری سامانه در تمام سطوح شرکت با سیستم حضور و غیاب کسرا

Using the web kiosk to expand the use of the system at all levels of the company

The ability to use the web kiosk to expand the general use of smart attendance systems at all levels of the company is a distinctive feature that Kasra's entry and exit system as well as Kasra's feeding system provides to all organizations and large companies and can be benefited from It was used to control the movement of personnel of organizations. For example, in large organizations, public kiosks can be easily used to control or grant tokens to personnel.

چينش شيفت اتوماتيك براي خطوط توليدی كه امكان برنامه ريزی ندارد با سیستم تردد کسرا

Automatic shift arrangement for production lines that cannot be programmed

Sometimes, organizations need to have a detailed plan regarding the presence of their personnel, that is, to have a software to register the arrival and departure of personnel and to be able to have automatic shifts for production lines, such as the traffic system of Kasra Avaran Gol Gohar Sirjan. Therefore, the ability to arrange automatic shifts for production lines where it is not possible to accurately plan the presence of personnel is an important attendance and absence parameter that a web-based attendance and absence software should be able to have as the best attendance and absence software.

دسترسی هر لحظه ای و هر کجایی به گزارشات سیستم با سیستم حضور و غیاب کسرا

Anytime and anywhere access to system reports

Automation of attendance and absence on Kasra web does not require any special features and their users can simply use this online attendance program at any time and wherever they want to get their desired reports from Kasra's attendance system. .

Our customers testimonials

What features does the best online attendance software provide?

Kasra traffic software as the best time and attendance software, the possibility of online management of personnel attendance and absence, as well as the ability to create rules for calculating the employee traffic function along with applying access to define various calculation parameters of the employee entry and exit function (by providing different reports in the format different) provides managers. In the past, doing such an important task was done using Windows traffic control software, but today, with the development of online attendance and absence systems and the growing trend of using them in offices as administrative attendance and absence systems; Online attendance software has replaced such software. Online attendance is a software that...

Attendance-system kasraco

What you expect from an effective online attendance system

با نرم افزار حضور و غیاب کسرا در لحظه باخبر می شوید

You will be informed at any moment

You can find out about the traffic of your personnel online, wherever you are and at any time.

ارتباط با سیستم حقوق و دستمزد با نرم افزار حضور غیاب کسرا

Connection with the financial system

You can send personnel entry and export information to the payroll system in the form of various outputs.

دسترسی آسان و سریع با نرم افزار حضور غیاب کسرا

Easy and fast access

You can access users' information by using KasraHamrah and KasraAvid attendance applications.

تعریف انواع مختلف شیفت ها با نرم افزار حضور غیاب کسرا

Remote travel time recording

Monitor the time of presence and absence or the location of the personnel mission along with the time frame of the mission with Kasra during remote work or mission.

ارتباط با همه دستگاه های حضور غیاب سازمان

Communication with all kinds of devices

By using Kasra's online attendance system, you can communicate with all kinds of attendance devices.

گزارش گیری از اطلاعات پرسنلی با نرم افزار حضور غیاب کسرا

Increase employee productivity

The high accuracy of Kasra traffic control software allows personnel to monitor their working hours

کنترل شرکت های چندشعبه ای با نرم افزار حضور غیاب کسرا

Traffic control of multi-branch companies

By using Kasra traffic control software, you can monitor personnel traffic in different branches of the company in real time.

کنترل حضور و غیاب در مکان های پرتردد سازمان با سامانه حضور غیاب کسرا

Reducing employee misconduct

With Kasra, none of the employees can register attendance to another person, so organizational violations are reduced

Reasons to buy the best attendance solution

During its 23 years of operation, Kesra Engineering Company has been able to cooperate with various Iranian businesses and entrepreneurs by gaining valuable experience. Always be by their side by providing different solutions. But the important question in this regard is that among the available software. In the market, which one can solve all or most of the needs of our organization according to our job conditions? Which attendance system can be the best attendance software for our organization? Which automation of attendance and traffic can be implemented in the shortest possible time and with the highest possible efficiency in our organization and help us control the traffic of our personnel? Which attendance system can provide us with fast and comprehensive support in using and maintaining the product?

Due to its unique features, Kasra employee attendance system can be the best attendance and absence software for your organization. Because it can lead to an increase in the efficiency of your human resources. And to provide you with a unique experience in connection with HUSMAND traffic control systems and human resource software. In addition to this, Kasra's various solutions in connection with different businesses can create a unique collection for you regarding intelligent attendance and absence systems. Among the reasons for purchasing Kasra's attendance and absence system, the following can be mentioned.

کاهش نارضایتی وافزایش بهره وری پرسنل

Reducing dissatisfaction and increasing the productivity of personnel

Kasra traffic control software is designed in such a way that it can not only be considered as a supervisory lever for personnel control, but it can also help personnel with the facilities that it provides to personnel in terms of privacy protection and salary calculation. be their wages. Kasra's attendance and absence system can make your personnel satisfied with their salaries and benefits by accurately calculating all types of work shifts at any time and in any place.

نظارت بر عملکرد کلیه کارکنان حین انجام کار

Monitoring the performance of all employees while doing work

Attendance app without device and with KasraAvid location is a unique tool that can use its facilities to provide managers of organizations with a special solution for monitoring and monitoring the movement of personnel, controlling marketers and tracking them. . KasraAvid allows your personnel to record their geographic location in real time and tracking the location of employees. Give detailed information about the place and time of their work or mission.

رفع خطاهای انسانی در محاسبات پیچیده

Fixing human errors in complex calculations

Based on its powerful infrastructure, Kasra's attendance system is capable of performing all complex attendance calculations, including leave, overtime, night work, holidays, coefficients, delays, etc., with exemplary accuracy. The use of this system is such that it can minimize the human errors of the organizations and even lead to a significant reduction of the human forces of the organization. Because the Kasra traffic system performs all personnel entry and exit processes.

قابلیت پیاده سازی انواع قوانین و شیفت ها

The ability to implement all kinds of rules and shifts

You should be able to have all the current trends in your business fully automatically. And Kasra's absenteeism program as the best absenteeism software by using its own rule generation engine, which is the mastermind behind it, can cover this issue. It is enough to mention to Kasra's establishment and production team what attendance and absence rules you want; Kesra experts deliver your customized Kasra traffic system to you.

Frequently asked questions about Kasra's online attendance system